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How do I smudge herbal blends?

Every blend that you buy from us comes with a charcoal disc. Light the charcoal disc and place it in a fireproof container (such as an abalone shell). Place a small amount of the blend in the fireproof container over your charcoal disc. Your blend should begin to smolder and produce smoke. Use a feather or a handheld fan to generate air over the coal and continue producing the smoke as you perform your smudging ritual. Be sure to open a window to allow the unwanted energy to escape the area.

How do I smudge with sage sticks?

Light one end of the sage stick with a lighter, match or candle. Allow the flame to burn for 15-20 seconds, then blow it out. You will notice embers on the end of your stick and a thick smoke should form in the air. Set an intention on what you’d like to clear out when focusing on the space, person, or object. If you’re clearing a space, walk around the room gently waving your sage stick in the air. Pay close attention to corners, mirrors, windows and doors. Be sure to open your doors and windows to allow the negative energy to flow out of the space. All the while, be sure to keep your intention that you set in mind. You may even want to recite a prayer or a mantra while smudging. If you are clearing the energy of a person, smudge them (or yourself) from head to toe. Be careful not to get to close to hair or clothing so as not to cause burn or set anything on fire.

How do I use palo santo for smudging?

It’s ignited in a very similar manner as sage sticks, but not for the same purpose. Palo santo can be used for clearing out negative energy, but it has a dual purpose of bringing in positive energy.

How do I put the flames out?

For palo santo or sage, press the ignited area into a fireproof container (e.g., abalone shell, clay container, glass bowl, ashtray, etc.). I sometimes go outdoors and press it into the dirt as an alternative. For herbal blends, I tend to dump the embers/ashes outdoors into the dirt and snuff them out with water or smother them with dirt/sand.